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文化地景與遺產的協力紀錄與散佈 | Collaborative Documentation and Dissemination of Cultural Landscape and Heritage

Presented at DRGPA 2021: Documenting and Researching Gravesites in Pacific Asia (研究記錄亞太墓地研討會) on 2021-10-16.

~~~~~ 摘要 ~~~~~


中央研究院 資訊科學研究所



我們認為文化地景的紀錄以及散佈,可以用群體協力的方式進行,而所產出數位紀錄的永續保存與共享使用議題,應該被嚴肅對待。關於這些紀錄的標準化、結構化描述資料(或稱後設資料)的重要性應該被強調。可永續、開放的資料儲存庫,將有利於這些數位紀錄的傳承與使用。維基媒體基金會的幾項專案,如「維基共享資源」(Wikimedia Commons) 以及「維基資料」 (Wikidata),都可用於文化地景與遺產的協力紀錄、保存與散佈,並且有助於數位資源的參照使用。我們將以多個範例於此報告中闡明。

~~~~~ Abstract ~~~~~

Collaborative Documentation and Dissemination of Cultural Landscape and Heritage

Tyng-Ruey CHUANG and Yu-Chia MU
Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica


Cultural landscapes, such as old burial grounds, abandoned factories, and seashores piled with debris, simultaneously present us with the remains of former human activity and bear witness to global change. These cultural landscapes, deemed non-amicable for many, are especially vulnerable to disturbance and destruction. They are fading out of sight rapidly. This is particularly noticeable in Taiwan, where, when under the stress of commercial land development or being viewed as sites of obstruction to progress, these cultural landscapes can be easily wiped out. Preserving these unique cultural landscapes, documenting and disseminating these documentations, as well as identifying the importance of their associated cultural objects and experiences are the urgent acts necessary for collective remembering.

Documenting and disseminating cultural landscapes, in our view, can be carried out collaboratively. Issues of preservation and sharing digital records so produced should be taken seriously. It is important to have standardized and structured descriptive data (also called metadata) about these records. Sustainable and open data repositories are invaluable in the reuse of these digital records and in passing them on to future generations. Several projects of the Wikimedia Foundation, such as Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata, can be used for the collaborative documentation, preservation, and dissemination of cultural landscape and heritage. They also facilitate cross-reference of digital resources. We will illustrate this in this presentation with several examples.

(Many thanks to Mandy TO for English editing.)


3 years, 3 months ago

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