Daybreak Launch by trc

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意 象    𝑺 𝑷 𝑬 𝑪 𝑻 𝑨 𝑪 𝑼 𝑳 𝑨 𝑹
    萎 縮   𝑨 𝑻 𝑹 𝑶 𝑷 𝑯 𝒀

324前夜 攻佔政院紀念— 破土網站四周年紀念特輯:《破曉──太陽花運動口述歷史》

Commemoration of Politically Motivated Breaking & Entering: ‘The Daybreak Project: Voices of the Sunflower Movement’ Launch Event

6:00pm ——  開放入場 Opening & Entering
 由 4am station 提供咖啡、酒水等

6:34pm左右 ——  中英雙語 論壇 Bilingual Forum
《臺灣社運中的「語言》"on LANGUAGE in MOVEMENTS"

7:45pm左右 —— 演奏 Live
《1/2 藝藥》"1/2 CAPTAIN DOCTOR"
   Riles Jay Bilgo (種種樂器 various instruments)

8:16pm左右 ——  演奏 Live
   洪御 Hom Yü (bass\synth\programming)
   郡崎 Jiun Chi (keyboard\synth\guitar)
   (投影 projector:~~~)

9:01pm左右 ——  共同創作 Body Performance
   林子寧 Lin Tzu Ning (肢體 limbs)
   梁俊文 Liang Chun Wen (肢體 limbs)
   黃晴怡 Huang Chin Yi (肢體、小提琴 limbs\violin)

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日期\時間 WHEN
  2018\03\23 ㈤ FRI ㈮
   午後18時~夜22時以降 (6pm~10pm)

空間\地址 WHERE:
  4am station (松山火車站 或 後山埤捷運站)
   〶 115 台北市 南港區 玉成街25巷2號

入場費用 ENTRY:
  預售:$100 TWD in advance
   現場:$200 TWD at door

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為此,《破曉計畫》將於3月23日下午6點在 4am Station 舉辦發行活動兼太陽花學運四週年紀念活動。活動上除了介紹《破曉計畫》以外,也將舉辦講座與藝術表演。講座將探討當代台灣社運的「語言」,包括藝術與其他表達形式,希望創造參與式的辯論場域。


The Daybreak Project is an English language interactive encyclopedia and oral history archive of the 2014 Sunflower Movement which will go online in March 2018. The Daybreak Project in its current state is over 300,000 words, which would be over 1,000 pages if printed. However, the Daybreak Project will be available online and freely accessible to anybody. The notion of the Daybreak Project is also to eventually open it up to submissions, so that individuals can contribute oral histories they have collected of the Sunflower Movement or their own stories.

To this end, a night of activities to commemorate the launch of the Daybreak Project will be held on 6 pm on March 23rd, at 4 am station, as well as commemorating 4 years since the Executive Yuan incident during the Sunflower Movement. This will include an introduction to the Daybreak Project, a talk on the “language”, artistic and otherwise, of contemporary social movement activism in Taiwan, as well as performances. Rather than simply a talk, however, the idea will be to have a participatory discussion.

In particular, Sunflower Movement participants are invited to attend to share their experiences. Recorders will be provided so that during the event, individuals can go off on their own and record their stories, so that these can later be transcribed and be added to the archive.

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破土 New Bloom

意象萎縮 Spectacular Atrophy

語言共事 Batonic Projects

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