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學術研究機構維持「資料典藏庫」(Data Repository),保存因為研究工作所蒐集產出的資料集,讓其他研究者可以取得使用於其他目的,或用於驗證既有的研究。我們區分「機構的資料典藏庫」以及「眾有的資料典藏庫」(Communal Data Repository);後者未必由機構維持,其所收藏的資料來自公眾,且可被公眾自由取得使用。在中央研究院進行的一些工作,與外部單位合作建立的研究資料服務網站,有著「眾有的資料典藏庫」的特質,我們在此做一介紹。這些典藏庫是:台江內海研究資料集、台灣野生動物路死觀察網、318公民運動文物紀錄典藏庫、以及一個存放「公眾領域」(Public Domain) 素材的媒材庫。在這次報告,我們將強調公眾授權條款以及開放原始碼軟體的使用,並分享一些實務經驗。
Data repositories are operated by research institutions to preserve data that has been collected or generated as part of their works. Researchers not affiliated with the institutions often can access to and make use of the data in the repositories as well. They do so in order to validate research results, and for purposes other than those for which the data was originally collected. We make a distinction between an Institutional Data Repository and a Communal Data Repository in which the former is operated by and for a research institution, while the latter collects data from and for the public. In collaboration with our partners, in Academia Sinica we have been building data repositories of certain communal nature. These repositories are Taijiang Research Data Repository, Taiwan Roadkill Observation Network, the 318 Civil Movement Archive, and a repository of public domain materials. We introduce them in this presentation. We discuss our current practices, emphasizing the use of public licenses and open source software packages.
應邀報告 @ 2015數位化論文典藏聯盟年會:數位化學位論文與開放取用之發展趨勢
Invited Presentation @ Digital Dissertation Consortium: 2015 Annual Conference