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ECAI /PNC 2018 presentation slide
http://www.ecai.org/activities/2018-PNC_ECAI_Workshop.html http://www.digitalheritage2018.org/ 26-30 October 2018, San Francisco, USA
We will provide an overview of a research data repository developed at the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. The repository itself is built upon and extended from CKAN, an open source software package originally developed by the Open Knowledge International for the hosting of open (government) data. Several features have been added by us to better support the deposit, curation, and exploration of research datasets. These features include, among others, 1) rich metadata support, 2) spatiotemporal annotation and query, 3) preview and overlay of spatial datasets, 4) Wikidata-powered keyword support, and 5) simplified and customized frontend.
We will demonstrate these features by using datasets already deposited at the repository. The showcased datasets include 1) placenames extracted from historical maps about Tainan, and 2) roadkill observation records provided by the Taiwan Roadkill Observation Network (TaiRON) contributors.
This research data repository is called Depositar and is online at https://data.depositar.io. It is now open to all academic users.