[Note: I had been discharged from the hospital. I feel very much alive. 2021-11-07]
2021-11-06 posted on FB
Dear friends, fatigue is real. It weakens your immune systems and makes you sick.
Several days ago I was so tired I could barely get off my bed even though I had plenty of on-and-off sleep. I went to see a doctor; he immediately checked me into the hospital. I had to undergo 7 days of anti-infection treatment and never in my life I had so much antibiotics injected into my body. Because I had a fever, I had to be tested first for COVID-19 negative before I could be admitted. As a result I stayed in a quarantine unit set up outsides the emergency room for the first night.
The anti-infection treatment, however, was a little boring. After my body pain and fever subsided of course I started to fight my e-mail inbox. Neither could I resist the temptation of several conference calls. I was smart to have planned to de-activate my FB account even before I was sick. It was refreshing my hospital stay had been mostly FB-free. Lying at my sick bed, however, I found my thumbs still hurt. It turned out I spent way too much time on Twitter.
Please enjoy the obligatory hospital selfies. I especially like the hospital meals. For 200 Taiwan dollars a day, you can have your meals prepared and brought to your bed!
Please take good care of yourselves, friends. Today is 立冬 (the start of winter). We all need to 進補 (treat own body with nutritious food).
(I will return to FB hibernation soon. Please find me on Twitter! Haha!)
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2021-11-06 貼在臉書
幾天前,我疲倦到幾乎下不了床,即使斷斷續續睡了很多。去看了醫生,他馬上要我住院,接受七天的抗感染療程。一生之中我從沒打過這麼多抗生素。因為我有發燒,所以要先接受 COVID-19 檢驗,確定陰性才能入院。第一晚因此住在急診室外臨時的隔離病房。
抗感染治療過程實在有些無聊。身體不痛也退燒之後,當然我就開始跟電子郵件信箱奮戰,我也無法抗拒視訊會議的誘惑。聰明的我,在生病之前就計劃停用 FB 帳戶。住院的生活幾乎沒有上 FB,令人清爽。但躺在病床上,我覺得大拇指還是發疼;原來是花太多時間在推特上了。
不能免俗,送上幾張在醫院的自拍照。我特別喜歡醫院的伙食。每天只需 200 新台幣,就有人給你做飯還送到床邊呢!
(我很快就會再進入 FB 冬眠。請在推特找我!哈哈!)